So I posed the question, what do you think of Firemen on my Facebook page a little while ago and everyone seemed to be in agreement that they were HOT! So following that I have started a new series. It will have three parts in total each getting longer than the last or at least that is the idea ;) Personally I think the cover model is smoking HOT heehee.
I really enjoyed writing it. It's a lot different to writing about rich billionaires and that is for certain. But I've always had a fascination with firemen, perhaps it's the idea of the hero that gets me... I don't really know. Anyway, I think this is one is of a more romantic inclination than my other series, I've really focused in on the relationship aspect or at least the growing one. And I've set it in a small town rather than a city. I grew up in a small town myself and I know how stifling they can be... sometimes anyway. So without further explanation I give you...
Heat of Desire
A bad break up and non-existent self-esteem sends Vickie Michaels running for the hills. Leaving the city she flees to the small town she used to visit as a child. When there she discovers things are not as simple as they used to be. Especially the local fireman Matt Jackson. Desirable, smart, and very hot Matt is everything Vickie is convinced that she doesn't deserve.
However, she isn't the only one with baggage and Vickie soon learns that Matt has entanglements of his own.
A daring rescue brings them closer but there are forces at work determined to tear them apart.
Can Vickie overcome her personal demons in time to face some very real threats? Or will her past catch up to her and destroy the blossoming relationship developing between her and Matt.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Friday, 5 October 2012
For those who loved At the Billionaire's Pleasure, this is my gift to you my readers.
As promised, here is the little surprise I've been talking about. For those of you who loved At the Billionaire's Pleasure this should please you. I've taken a scene that occurs in one of the books and I've written about it. Can you guess which book and scene? It involves some old familiar characters and some new ones too. David is not the only one with a love story ;) and Aaron his brother has some pretty interesting secrets not too mention a pretty interesting job. This is something that occurs before the beginning of what will be a new series of books involving these characters. It helps explain some of what will be going on not to mention raising some new questions. I'm really excited about this new book and I'm completely in love with the characters. I hope you will fall in love with them too...
So without further ado I give you:
A Touch of Love
So without further ado I give you:
A Touch of Love
at the bar, Heather's hands trembled. Why was she here? It seemed like such a
good idea at the time but now that she was actually here... Well all of her
foolish courage had fled.
glanced around once more at her surroundings, careful to ensure that her flame
coloured hair obscured most of her face. The last thing she wanted was for one
of his men to recognise her. If they did then it was game over.
music pulsed across her skin and gave rise to the beginning of a thumping
headache. She remembered the first time she had seen him here. So tall and
handsome. The perfect epitome of sex on legs. He was everything she had ever
wanted and so much more... Well until everything changed.
scrubbed her hand across her eyes and gestured to the bar man to refill her
glass. If there was no sign of him in the next half hour then she was leaving.
There was no way she would hang around and get caught. She had evaded them for
two years... It would be unfair if they caught up to her now.
barman sat the drink down on the counter and stared hard at her for a few
minutes. Heather's stomach did a small flip but she tried to hide the fear from
her face. Perhaps if she acted casual, as though there was nothing wrong then
maybe he would think nothing more of her.
saw it in his face the moment it clicked. Bile rose up her throat as she
watched him give her a small sly smile before he moved off into the back room.
She grabbed the glass of wine in front of her and downed it in one. Now she
regretted not getting whiskey, at least that way it would have worked faster
into her system.
she wobbled, a little unsteady on her feet. It seemed the wine had gotten to
her after all. Heather let out a frustrated sigh and dropped her money down on
the counter. Perhaps she could get out of here before Jude's men arrived.
she caught sight of someone that made relief wash over. After everything would
he be willing to help her? She watched him for a few minutes more. His
attention caught by someone else. Normally David Ashcroft was the one scanning
the room. Searching for dangers that mere mortals wouldn't see coming. But not
tonight. Tonight his gaze was firmly fixed on one person.
watched the small smile play around his lips. She turned to scan the room,
perhaps she could catch sight of the vixen that had ensnared David so
completely. But try as she might Heather's view was obscured by the crush of
bodies in the club. If she was taller she might have been able to see over
everyone's heads but she wasn't.
her shoulders she started to move through the crowd to where David stood. If
she could talk to him, maybe he would help and she wouldn't need to get anyone
else involved. Her stomach flipped with giddy little summersaults as she
reached David's side.
a moment she caught sight of a woman across the room. She looked a little
frightened and completely bewildered by what was going on around her. But she
was very beautiful. Her body curved in all the right places and Heather knew
instantly that she was the one David was staring at. Only he would chose the
most gorgeous and yet completely out of place woman in the room to set his
sights on. He had always enjoyed a challenge and now Heather knew he hadn't
changed one bit.
his arm with a little more than a feather light stroke, David's attention
instantly snapped away. He masked his surprise well but Heather caught a
glimpse of it before he could make it disappear completely.
He queried.
smiled and nodded. Her stomach still in knots of nervousness as she glanced
around at her surroundings. If she could help it no one would sneak up on her.
time no see, David. How have you been?"
shot her a disapproving look before answering. "I don't think you're here
for idle chit chat, so get to the point."
took a step back straight into the arms of one of Jude's tall and muscular body
guards. "Miss Sampson would you like to come with us."
pounded through her body. Her heart sped up and one bead of sweat trickled down
her cold spine.
I don't want to..." She answered, her voice hiding her fear perfectly.
think you'll find it's not a request." The man gripped her elbow, his hand
closing around her arm. He tugged her sharply back towards him causing her to
please." She pleaded her panic finally beginning to show.
looked confused for just a moment before regaining his composure. He glanced
over his shoulder to where the other woman stood before turning back to
here with me." David's deep voice gave Heather shivers. In some ways he
reminded her of Aaron. They were brothers but there was something far more
approachable in David. He was easier to talk to or at least she had always
thought so. Aaron was hard and cold. He covered it up with his sense of humour
but he was far too tough to break down. She supposed it was probably what made
him so good at his job.
wrapped his arm around her waist and manoeuvred her out of the other man's
grip. She glanced back at the tall body guard and did her best to hide her
pleasure. She followed David back through the club. He led her to the door
leading out of the back of the club. It swung outwards and Heather hurried into
the corridor beyond. David closed the door and silently led her to another one
of the rooms. She had been back here once before... The memory of it sent icy
shivers across her skin. That was one night she hoped to never repeat.
opened the door to an empty room and indicated for her to enter. "Right,
are you going to tell me what is going on?" He asked his voice filled with
very pretty..." Heather added trying to do anything to change the subject.
is more than pretty, she's stunning but she hasn't realised it. Who were the
goons back there, Heather? Either you tell me or I leave and tell them where
you are..."
face grew pale under her tan. "You wouldn't..."
I don't have time for this. I have a beautiful woman waiting out there for me.
Tell me what is going on..."
in trouble, David. I know he doesn't want to ever see me again... But I don't
know who else to turn to..."
face was filled with sympathy. "You hurt him."
shook her head. "I couldn't hurt him. No one could."
half smiled but his face was still sad. "I know that he pretends to be
tough. But you really did hurt him. I don't think he ever got over you."
shook her head again. "I find that hard to believe." Before David
could open his mouth to speak again she raised her hand. "Look, I'm not
here to argue whether he was hurt or not. What's done is done. I had to do
it... But I really need his help David... I thought he would be here tonight
but... well..." She gestured and shrugged. "I guess I was
brushed her hands across her face, the pain in her head reaching a point of
critical mass. The heat in the room was too much to bear and the thought of
going back out into the crowded club was making her feel sick.
going to go... This was a mistake. I'm not even sure why I thought it would be
a good idea."
pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed a button. She watched as he turned
his back from her and moved into the corner of the room. She tried to listen in
but all she heard was the mention of her name and then David turned back to
looked shocked for a moment. She opened her mouth before closing it again. She
wasn't even sure what she was supposed to say. The last thing she had expected
was for Aaron to come the minute he knew she was there. A thought hit her then.
does know it's about me doesn't he?"
grinned. "Yes he does. I wouldn't have told him to come down here without
telling him why..."
small knock on the door made them both jump. Heather turned panicked eyes on
David. She didn't want it to be the bodyguards from before. If they had gone
looking for her then it was on Jude's insistence...
moved to the door and opened it. A tall bald man stood on the other side.
Heather could tell from the way he looked that he was a bodyguard but not
anyone that she recognised from Jude's usual crew.
turned back to her. "I have to go. But wait here and Aaron will come and
get you... If you're worried lock the door behind me when I leave."
swallowed hard. She didn't know how to thank him for what he had done. Words
seemed so inadequate but it was all she had.
you..." The words came out half whispered.
smiled once more. "It was good seeing you again. Don't hurt him this
time..." Then he was gone out the door.
hesitated for a second before heading to the door and sliding the bolt into
place. She was worried but it wasn't all entirely to do with Jude's guards
hanging around in the club. What would she say to Aaron? Two years was a long
time. He wouldn't understand that she needed to do what she had done. All he
would understand is that she hurt him. Hurt him in a way that she had never
intended to do. How did you apologise for something like that?
sat on the edge of the leather bench in the room. The shackles on the top end
made her shiver with fear. The scars across her lower back and thighs tingled
softly. As though simply by seeing the whips and chains in the room they could
hurt her. One small tear trickled down her cheek. Never again. She would never
let Jude touch her again. Not for anyone...
was a lie she told to comfort herself. If he threatened the people she loved
well then all bets were off...
minutes seemed to drag by. David had promised her that Aaron would come, but
what if he didn't? What if she was waiting here and Jude's guards were using
this time to prepare and set a trap... What if Jude himself were to come
crawled up the back of her throat. It was like a small animal that wanted out
of her body. She was choked on it. Her vision was blurred with tears as she
hopped off the bench and ran for the door. There was still time to escape...
There had to still be time to escape. She wouldn't be cornered like an animal.
flung open the metal door the weight of it driving it back into the red plaster
wall on the other side with a resounding crack. She hesitated, she had never
wanted to damage anything but she certainly couldn't afford to pay for repairs.
The sound of someone moving down the hall lifted the hairs on the back of
Heather's neck. She could see the tall shadow stretch out in front of the
person and panic made her run. Propelling herself down the hall she crashed
through the exit doors at the end. The alarm nothing more than a dull thud in
the back of her mind.
she knew in that moment was that she needed to get away. Escape.
didn't register the sound of his voice calling her. All she heard was the sound
of running. Heavy footsteps that quickly gained on her shorter panic fuelled
no, no, no, not again..." She mumbled the words to herself as she dashed
out of the alley at the back of the Dom's club. Her fear addled mind didn't
register the headlights of the car until it was much too late. She gasped as
she prepared for the impact but it never came. Instead, strong arms wrapped
around her waist dragging her back out of the road and onto the safety of the
smelled the same. The same muted aftershave that he always wore. It reminded
her of the forest. The first rain in a lush green forest, one that would coat
your skin in its warm scent.
opened her eyes and stared up at Aaron. He hadn't changed in the two years
since she had last seen him. His hair was still the dark brown but it had gone
a little grey at the temples. Rather than detract from his good looks it seemed
to add an extra layer of sophistication to him. His eyes were still the cold
steel they had always been. But the spark that she had come to know him for was
still there.
held her in his arms for a few moments more before releasing her. Heather ached
to feel his touch again. It was something she had never forgotten. His smell,
his touch. It was all so familiar and it brought back painful memories that she
had tried to bury long before.
did you run?" His voice sent shivers of desire through her body. He really
hadn't changed. He was still the same Aaron she had known... And dare she admit
it, loved way back then.
didn't know it was you..."
frowned for a minute before gesturing for her to follow him.
don't want to go back in..." She stuttered as Aaron stopped beside a sleek
black sports car.
not taking you in there. I'm taking you home." He pulled the door open and
waited for her to climb into the passenger seat. Once settled he slammed the
door making Heather jump.
was so angry, she could feel it rolling off his body in waves. Clicking her
belt into place she folded her hands on her lap afraid that if she didn't stop
them they might reach out to him. He climbed into the car and gunned the
engine. The headlights flooded the alley and Heather caught sight of Jude's
goons wandering just outside the clubs exits doors. As Aaron passed them she
ducked her head so as to keep out of sight but she knew it would only be a
matter of time before they knew where she was.
passed the journey in silence, Heather only speaking in order to give Aaron
directions to her apartment. Once they pulled up outside it she climbed out of
the car and Aaron followed. Silently he shadowed her across the parking lot to
the apartment reception. She didn't ask him if he wanted to come up, she
already knew the answer and she was glad in a way. As painful as it was to
spend time with him it was a beautiful type of pain. She had missed him. She
had tried to deny herself but now that he was standing beside her in the lift
she knew it was true.
doors clicked open on the third floor and Heather led the way down to her door.
Pushing the key in the lock she pressed the door open and let Aaron follow her
are you back?" The moment the door was shut he spoke and Heather jumped.
He was still as abrupt and to the point as he had always been.
I..." She couldn't find the answers to tell him. How could she explain
what was going on? Would he understand or think she simply deserved it?
moved towards her faster than she had expected and grabbed her arms. He pulled
her body tight against his and lowered his face to hers. The kiss was both
explosive and punishing. It reignited the spark within Heather for the man
before her. She wanted him, she had always wanted him but now it was much more
than that. His lips bruised hers his tongue demanding entry and Heather
succumbed. She wanted him to take her. To own her body and soul. His hands
fumbled with her dress, pushing the zipper down and exposing her back.
his fingers brushed against her scars, Heather froze. Her mind going into
overdrive. Placing her hands on his chest she pushed hard. He barely budged but
it was enough to bring the kiss to a halt.
stared down into her face. His dark eyes the colour of molten silver. She could
see the desire there and she longed to let him have her. But how could she? She
was damaged beyond repair. Jude had left his mark upon her and there was no way
she could let Aaron know that.
came back because I needed your help but I see now it's not going to
words hung there between them. Aaron's eyes slowly hardening as he accepted
what she was saying. He released her. His hands automatically going to his hair
to push it back out of his face.
longed to touch his face. To run her fingers along the side of his jaw and
follow it with kisses. But it could never be. She wouldn't drag him into this
mess. He deserved better. He deserved someone who could give him the perfection
he deserved. Not someone like her.
sort of help? Is it to do with the reason you ran in the first place?"
nodded but kept her mouth shut.
me. I can help but you need to trust me..."
can't. It was a mistake to get you involved..."
turned from her and moved towards the door.
sorry, Aaron... I never meant to hurt you..."
didn't answer her as he opened the door and left.
followed him to the door and watched his back as he retreated down the stairs
and out of her life... "I love you..." She whispered the words
through her tears. She had lost him again. Seeking him out had been a mistake.
If she had just left it alone then he wouldn't be any the wiser about her being
back in town and there wouldn't be such a gaping hole in her chest...
the door she let out a frustrated sigh. She still had the problem of Jude and
his men. Saving her sister from him the first time. It had cost her everything.
And now this time she had no doubt would be no different... Except maybe this
time it wouldn't just be scars she would end up with... Jude had made her
promise not to run and given half an opportunity that is exactly what she had done...
this time she would be lucky to escape with her life... And the only man who
might have saved her had just walked out of her life...
curled up on the couch and buried her face in her hands. Everything was a mess
and she had a feeling it was about to get a hell of a lot worse.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Plus Size Model 4: Love Revealed has landed
Well some of you will be glad to know that the final and concluding part to the Plus Size Model series has just been published. It's now live on Amazon so feel free to go pick up your copy. It's also available on Smashwords. It will at some point make it to Barnes and Noble but as I've said before I have no control over when it will get there. I haven't forgotten the surprise either. It's coming. And for those of you who like firemen, well you might just find a nice new series winging its way to you all. Each installment will be longer than previous series and will read more like novellas than short stories :)
When Erica is taken hostage she is lucky to escape with her life. She considers herself even luckier finding her way back to Jared. However, happiness seems to be short lived.
Jared's father is putting pressure on his son to chose the beautiful and very slim Jessica. Distraught Erica finds herself doubting Jared's feelings for her and her own position in his life. Surely a man as rich and handsome as Jared couldn't possibly fall for a plus size woman.
Rick has waited for the perfect opportunity and sensing Erica's insecurities he pounces. Will she fall victim to his lies? Or will Jared prove that she is the one for him?
Lost love, and hurt feelings is not the biggest price they might pay. When your life hangs in the balance can love truly conquer all?
I haven't forgotten the surprise either. It's coming. And for those of you who like firemen, well you might just find a nice new series winging its way to you all. Each installment will be longer than previous series and will read more like novellas than short stories :)

When Erica is taken hostage she is lucky to escape with her life. She considers herself even luckier finding her way back to Jared. However, happiness seems to be short lived.
Jared's father is putting pressure on his son to chose the beautiful and very slim Jessica. Distraught Erica finds herself doubting Jared's feelings for her and her own position in his life. Surely a man as rich and handsome as Jared couldn't possibly fall for a plus size woman.
Rick has waited for the perfect opportunity and sensing Erica's insecurities he pounces. Will she fall victim to his lies? Or will Jared prove that she is the one for him?
Lost love, and hurt feelings is not the biggest price they might pay. When your life hangs in the balance can love truly conquer all?
I haven't forgotten the surprise either. It's coming. And for those of you who like firemen, well you might just find a nice new series winging its way to you all. Each installment will be longer than previous series and will read more like novellas than short stories :)
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